Moira Greentree, Head of Service Delivery at Care Visions who attended the Fostering Network Roadshow writes, 

“The Fostering Network roadshow started with a powerful short film made by the Young Champions on how stigma can affect young people’s chances in life, stifling potential and opportunity.

Bruce Adamson, the Children’s Commissioner then spoke passionately about the need for change and his determination to make this happen, and that the challenges that can face us all to ensure young people’s rights are met, no matter where they live or who pays for their care.

Fiona Duncan, Chair of the Independent Care Review, then outlined the progress that has been made to date and what the next steps will be. The interim action points need to go before the ‘go to’ group of care experienced people that form the advisory group and should be published very soon, and all details can be found on the Care Review website.

The round table discussions that followed resulted in Bruce and Fiona being challenged by the participants at the roadshow to:

  • Work to improve the societal and systemic stigmatisation of young people who are looked after;
  • Review the children’s hearing system to ensure children’s rights and needs, not parental rights were at the forefront of decision making;
  • Ensure continuing care legislation was used appropriately allowing young people to have what they need not just what the local authority believe they can afford.

Moira summed up the day saying, “For me it was a day chaired by the Young Champions which recognised serious challenges while keeping the young people at the heart of the conversation, something that I’m sure we all recognise.”

Written by: Moira Greentree, Head of Service Delivery